PHP Vs ASP - Which is Better?

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When it comes to the business of creating and building web sites, ASP and PHP are probably the two most popular usable languages. But which is really better?


Both languages can be used to create Dynamic Content Websites that can freely exchange information and interact with databases. ASP (Active Sever Pages) is a Microsoft product, and is usually used in conjunction with the IIS (Internet Information Server) that runs on Microsoft services. PHP (Hypertext Pre Processor) was a project created by Rasmus Lerdorf, and later modified by several hundred other volunteers. It runs on UNIX and Linux servers


There are a quite a few noticeable differences between ASP and PHP.




To use ASP programs you must have IIS installed on a Windows platform server, which is neither free nor even inexpensive. PHP runs primarily on Linux, which is open source and free of charge to all. Database connectivity is also fairly expensive when it comes to ASP as MS-SQL is another Microsoft owned that must be purchased separately. MySQL, which PHP uses, is available at no cost from a large number of sources all over the Internet




If one compares the speed of ASP and PHP then PHP has the advantage in this area too. PHP code quite simply runs faster than ASP. ASP is built based upon COM architecture, which is an overhead for the server whereas PHP code runs in its own memory space.




PHP programs are capable of being run on a multiple number of platforms such as Linux, Unix, Windows and Sun Microsystems' Solaris whereas ASP is primarily for use with Windows platforms. However, ASP can be made to run on a Linux based platform is a ASP-Apache is installed on the server.


Other Associated Costs


Many PHP tools are available at no cost, and since PHP is an open source project new code can be found in many online forums. PHP also features such inbuilt features as email from a web page and several encryption options. In ASP such bonuses are not standard and the additional components you may require have to be purchased separately from Microsoft sites.


Base Language Used


PHP is based on the C++ language, which many programmers still consider the best programming language ever created. So for those who like the feel of C++, they will probably find themselves more comfortable with the syntax used in PHP. ASP has a far more Visual Basic feel, closely related, once more, to other Microsoft products. The user who is a fan of Microsoft in general will probably prefer the feel of ASP over PHP. This particular issue really is a matter of personal taste, rather than one being better than the other.


Database Connectivity


PHP, being a very flexible open source program has the capability to connect to a number of different database types, although the most popular with PHP users is MySQL. ASP does also have some database connectivity flexibility, but it is most often used with MS


In Conclusion


Both PHP and ASP have high points and many users can present fair arguments for using either platform. Possibly in the end it really comes down to an individual user's personal preference and past experience. Many people contend that ASP is the perfect choice for e commerce websites, but that is not necessarily true. PHP is capable of producing great results in this arena, but it is simply that more people have chosen to use ASP that this myth exists. Of course, if cost is to be taken as an issue, PHP would be the hands down winner, as in essence it is completely free.


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